Animals that Start with W

Animals that Start with W
Animals that Start with W

Animals that Start with W:- In this article today we shall discuss about  the topic Animals that Start with W in detail. In the earlier post you have read about Animals that Start with V in detail.

Animals that Start with W-

 Here is an Interesting List of 35 Animals Starting with W

Below is an alphabetical list of animals that start with w. These animals have a variety of unique traits, habits, and origins. Each animal has an interesting fact to go with it so that you can better understand those differences.

List of Animals Starting with W

  1. Wallaby
  2. Walleye Fish
  3. Walrus
  4. Wandering Albatross
  5. Warthog
  6. Wasp
  7. Water Buffalo
  8. Water Dragon
  9. Water Vole
  10. Weasel
  11. Welsh Corgi
  12. West Highland Terrier
  13. Western Lowland Gorilla
  14. Whale Shark
  15. Whippet
  16. White Hawk
  17. White Rhinoceros
  18. White Tiger
  19. White-Faced Capuchin
  20. Wild Boar
  21. Wild Horse
  22. Wild Turkey
  23. Wildebeest
  24. Wolf
  25. Wolf Eel
  26. Wolf Spider
  27. Wolf fish
  28. Wolverine
  29. Wombat
  30. Woodlouse
  31. Woodpecker
  32. Woolly Mammoth
  33. Woolly Monkey
  34. Wrasse
  35. Wyoming Toad

एनिमल्स  स्टार्टस विद  W –

  1. Wallaby – These marsupials are almost identical to kangaroos, however, wallabies
    are smaller.
  2. Walleye Fish- A very common freshwater game fish.
  3. Walrus- They can live up to 40 years in the wild.
  4. Wandering Albatross – They have the largest wingspan of any bird on the planet.
  5. Warthog – Their name comes from warts on the sides of their face, which helps to
    protect their face when they fight.
  6. Wasp – There are more than 100,000 species. The male wasps don’t have stingers,
    so it’s the female’s job to defend the nest.
  7. Water Buffalo – They originated from Asia, but now you can find them in Europe,
    Australia, North America, South America, and Africa.
  8. Water Dragon – Despite their appearance and name, these lizards are harmless.
  9. Water Vole – The largest species of vole in Britain.
  10. Weasel – They need to eat about half their body weight every day. They kill just
    about anything that moves and are known to kill animals up to 10 times their size.
  11. Welsh Corgi – They have short legs because they suffer from a genetic condition
    called achondro plastic dwarfism.
  12. West Highland Terrier – A breed of dog that originates from Scotland.
  13. Western Lowland Gorilla – They eat more than 200 types of plants.
  14. Whale Shark -The largest living non-mammalian vertebrate.
  15. Whippet -A dog breed that resembles a smaller greyhound.
  16. White Hawk -They live in Central and South America.

    Animals that Start with W:-

  17. White Rhinoceros- The largest extant species of rhinoceros. There are also
    the most social out of all the species of rhinos.
  18. White Tiger –They grow faster than tigers with orange fur.
  19. White-Faced Capuchin –These monkeys are found in Guatemala, Honduras,
    and Costa Rica.
  20. Wild Boar -One of the widest-ranging mammals in the world.
  21. Wild Horse -They have stronger legs and harder hooves than domestic horses.
  22. Wild Turkey -Their lifespan is around three to five years.
  23. Wildebeest -One of the largest species of antelopes.
  24. Wolf -Females weigh between 60 and 80 pounds, where males weigh between
    70 and 110 pounds.
  25. Wolf Eel -They have a thick slime coating on their skin that works as an immune
  26. Wolf Spider -They don’t weave webs, instead, they make burrows.
  27. Wolffish -They have large teeth that stick out of their mouth, even when it’s
  28. Wolverine -It resembles a small bear.
  29. Wombat -It takes them up to 14 days to digest a meal.
  30. Woodlouse -They are closely related to lobsters and crabs.
  31. Woodpecker –They are found almost everywhere in the world, except for
    New Zealand, Madagascar, New Guinea, Australia, and the extreme polar regions.
  32. Woolly Mammoth -The majority of them died out at the end of the last ice age,
    which was around 10,500 years ago. They became extinct around 3,700 years ago.
  33. Woolly Monkey -They originate from the rainforests of South America.
  34. Wrasse -Can reach anywhere from 4 to 98 inches in length.
  35. Wyoming Toad -They only exist in captivity.