A to Z Vocab List With Hindi Meaning Download PDF

A to Z Vocab List With Hindi Meaning Download PDF For SSC CGL Exams
A to Z Vocab List With Hindi Meaning Download PDF For SSC CGL Exams

A to Z Vocab List With Hindi Meaning Download PDF

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Vocabulary Words

दोस्तों जैसा की आप सभी जानते हैं कि प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं में English Grammar से बहुत सारे प्रश्न पूछे जाते हैं, जिनमे एक Topic है Vocabulary Words, यह एक ऐसा Topic है जिसमें आपको ज्यादा से ज्यादा Practice करनी होती है तभी आप इस Topic से पूछे गए प्रश्नों का सही उत्तर दे सकते हैं।

लेकिन Hindi Medium Students के लिए English हमेशा से ही Tough Subject रहा है इसलिए हम आपके लिए एक बेहतर विकल्प लेकर आए हैं, Vocabulary Words with Hindi Meaning क्योंकि इस eBook में आपको Vocabulary Words Hindi Meaning के साथ उपलब्ध है।

Synonyms and Antonyms List with Hindi Meaning – Part- 1 (A – F)

Word    शब्द   Synonym             Antonym

Abate    रोक-थाम करना moderate, decrease       aggravate, supplement

Abject   अधम  despicable, servile           commendable, praiseworthy

Abjure  त्यागना forsake, renounce           approve, sanction

Abortive              निष्फल vain, unproductive          effectual productive

Absolve                दोषमुक्त करना pardon, forgive compel, accuse

Accord  सहमति agreement, harmony     disagreement, discord

Acrimony             रूखापन harshness, bitterness    courtesy, benevolence

Adamant             अटल  stubborn, inflexible        flexible, soft

Adherent            पक्षपाती      follower, disciple              rival, adversary

Adjunct                सहायक joined, added    separated, subtracted

Admonish           धिक्कारना    counsel, reprove              approve, applaud

Adversity             विपत्ति misfortune, calamity      prosperity, fortune

Alien      विदेशी foreigner, outsider          native, resident

Allay      निराकरणकरना pacify, soothe   aggravate, excite

Alleviate              कम करना    abate, relieve    aggravate, enhance

Allure    फुसलाना      entice, fascinate               repulse, repel

Amplify बढ़ाना  enlarge, extend                lessen, contract

Antipathy            घृणा   hostility, aversion            admiration, fascination

Apathy उदासीनता    unconcern, indifference               concern, care

Arraign कलंक लगाना  charge, blame   exculpate, pardon

Audacity              धृष्टता boldness, arrogance       mildness, cowardice

Authentic            विश्वसनीय    genuine, reliable              fictitious, unreal

Awkward             अजीब clumsy, rough    clever, apt

Axiom   स्वयंसिद्ध    maxim, truth      absurdity, blunder

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Baffle    चकरा देना    frustrate, perplex            compose, facilitate

Barbarous           बर्बर   uncivilized, savage           cultured, humane

Benevolence     कृपा   humanity, generosity     malevolence, inhumanity

Bewitching          मोहित करनेवाला     magical, fascinating         repulsive, repugnant

Bleak     बेरंग   dismal, gloomy  bright pleasant

Brittle    नाज़ुक delicate, fragile tough, enduring

Bustle   हलचल haste, flurry       slowness, quiet

Calamity               आपदा adversity, misfortune    happiness, fortune

Callous  कठोर  obdurate, unfeeling       compassionate, tender

Calumny              चुगली  defamation, aspersion  commendation, praise

Capable                सक्षम  competent, able              incompetent, inept

Captivate             बंदी बनाना    charm, fascinate               disillusion, offend

Captivity              क़ैद   imprisonment, confinement       freedom, liberty

Cavity    गुहा   depth, depression           elevation, projection

Cease    संघर्ष  terminate, desist             begin, originate

Chaste  पवित्र  virtuous, pure   sullied, lustful

Chastise               दंड देना      punish, admonish            cheer, encourage

Compassion       दया   kindness, sympathy        cruelty, barbarity

Comprise             समावेश करना include, contain                reject, lack

Concede              स्वीकार करना yield, permit      deny, reject

Concur  मिलना-जुलना  approve, agree differ, disagree

Consent               सहमति agree, permit    object, disagree

Consequence    परिणाम      effect, outcome               origin, start

Consolidate        समेकित      solidify, strengthen         separate, weaken

Conspicuous      विशिष्ट prominent, obvious        concealed, hidden

Contempt           अपमान scorn, disregard                regard, praise

Contradict           खंडन  deny, oppose    approve, confirm

Contrary              विरोध  dissimilar, conflicting      similar, alike

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Dainty   शिष्ट  elegant, delicate              clumsy, coarse

Decay    क्षय   collapse, decompose     flourish, progress

Deceit   छल   deception, artifice           veracity, sincerity

Decipher              गूढ़लिपि पढ़ना interpret, reveal               misinterpret, distort

Dedicate              समर्पित devote, consecrate         refuse, negate

Defer    विलंब करना   prolong, suspend             accelerate, expedite

Defile    अशुद्ध contaminate, pollute      purify, sanctity

Defray  चुकाना spend, pay          disclaim, repudiate

Deliberate           जानबूझकर    cautious, intentional       rash, sudden

Delicious              स्वादिष्ट      palatable, tasteful           distasteful, unsavoury

Demolish             ध्वस्त  ruin, devastate repair, construct

Deprive                वंचित  despoil, divest   restore, renew

Deride  उपहास करना  mock, taunt        inspire, encourage

Despicable          नीच   worthless, shameless    worthy, decent

Disdain तिरस्कार     detest, despise approve, praise

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Eccentric              विलक्षण      strange, abnormal           natural, conventional

Ecstasy परमानंद      delight, exultation           despair, calamity, depression

Efface   मिटाना destroy, obliterate          retain, maintain

Elevate ऊपर उठाना   dignify, heighten              deprecate, denounce

Eliminate             हटा दें expel, oust         restore, accept

Eloquence           वाग्मिता      expression, fluency        halting, stammering

Encumbrance    भार   hindrance, obstacle        incentive, stimulant

Endeavour          एंडेवर  undertake, aspire            cease, quit

Enormous           विशाल colossal, mammoth         diminutive, negligible

Epitome               प्रतीक  precise, example             increment, expansion

Equivocal             गोलमोल      uncertain, hazy obvious, lucid

Eradicate             उन्मूलन      destroy, exterminate     secure, plant

Esteem आदर  respect, regard ridicule, spurn

Eternal  सनातन perpetual, endless          temporary, momentary

Evade    बचना  avoid, elude       acknowledge, confront

Evident स्पष्ट  obvious, apparent           obscure, concealed

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Fabricate             गढ़ना  construct, produce          destroy, dismantle

Fallacy   हेत्वाभास     delusion, mistake            veracity, truth

Falter    लड़खड़ाना     stumble, demur               persist, endure

Fanatical              कट्टर narrow-minded, biased liberal, tolerant

Fantastic              बढ़िया fanciful, uncommon       ordinary, normal

Feeble  निर्बल  weak, frail           strong, robust

Ferocious            क्रूर    cruel, fierce        gentle, sympathetic

Feud      अदावत strife, quarrel    fraternity, harmony

Fleeting                क्षणभंगुर      transient, temporary      enduring, eternal

Flimsy   झीना  trifling, transparent         firm, tenacious

Fluctuate             उतार चढ़ाव   deflect, vacillate               stabilise, resolve

Forsake                त्यागना desert, renounce             hold maintain

Fragile   नाज़ुक weak, infirm       enduring, tough

Frantic  उन्मत्त violent, agitated               subdued, gentle

Frivolous              तुच्छ  petty, worthless               solemn, significant

Frugality               स्वल्प व्ययिता economy, providence    lavishness, extravagance

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Synonyms and Antonyms List with Hindi Meaning – Part- 2 (G – O)

Word     शब्द   Synonym             Antonym

Gloom  उदासी obscurity, darkness         delight, mirth

Glut       भरमार stuff, satiate      starve, abstain

Gorgeous            भव्य   magnificent,

dazzling                dull, unpretentious

Gracious              विनीत courteous,

beneficent          rude, unforgiving

Grisly     भयानक disgusting,

atrocious             pleasing, attractive

Grudge असन्तोष     hatred, aversion               benevolence, affection

Guile     छल   cunning, deceit honesty, frankness

Hamper                बाधा   retard, prevent promote, facilitate

Haphazard          बेतरतीब      random, unsorted           considered, arranged

Hapless अभागी unfortunate,

ill-fated fortunate, lucky

Harass   परेशान irritate, molest  assist, comfort

Haughty               अभिमानी     arrogant, pompous         humble, submissive

Hazard  जोखिम Peril, danger      conviction, security

Heretic विधर्मी non-conformist,

secularist             conformable, religious

Hideous               भयंकर frightful,

shocking              attractive, alluring

Hypocrisy            पाखंड  deception,

affectation          sincerity, honesty

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Immaculate        शुद्ध  unsullied,

spotless               defiled, tarnished

Immense             अत्यधिक     huge, enormous              puny, insignificant

Immerse              डुबाना  submerge, involve          emerge, uncover

Imminent            आसन्न impending, brewing       distant, receding

Immunity            प्रतिरक्षा prerogative,

privilege               blame, censure

Impair   ख़राब करना   diminish,

deteriorate         restore, revive

Impartial              निष्पक्ष just, unbiased   prejudiced, biased

Impediment       बाधा   hurdle,

obstruction         assistance, concurrence

Impious                बेईमान irreligious,

unholy  pious, devout

Impute मढ़ना  attribute, ascribe             exculpate, support

Inclination           झुकाव disposition,

affection              disinclination, indifference

Incompetent     अक्षम  inefficient,

unskilled              dexterous, skilled

Incongruous       बेमेल  inappropriate,

absurd  compatible, harmonious

Inevitable            अपरिहार्य     unavoidable,

ascertained        unlikely, doubtful

Infringe                उल्लंघन      violate, encroach             comply, concur

Ingenuous          निष्कपट      undisguised, naive          wily, crafty

Insinuate             इशारा करना   allude, hint         conceal, camouflage

Insipid   फीका  tasteless, vapid delicious, luscious

Insolvent             दिवालिया     indigent,

destitute             wealthy, solvent

Instil      टपकाना      inculcate, inject eradicate, extract

Intricate               जटिल tangled,

complicated       regulated, orderly

Intrigue                साज़िश scheme, conspiracy        candour, sincerity

Intrinsic                स्वाभाविक    genuine,

fundamental      extraneous, incidental

Invective             फटकार accusation,

censure                approval, acclamation

Invincible             अजेय  unconquerable,

impregnable      effeminate, languid

Irrepressible      सदा एकसां    irresistible,

unconfined         composed, hesitant

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Jaded    क्लांत  tired, exhausted              renewed, recreated

Jejune  बेसूद  dull, boring         interesting, exciting

Jovial     उल्लासपूर्ण    frolicsome,

cheerful               solemn, morose

Jubilant उल्लसित     rejoicing,

triumphant         melancholy, depressing

Judicious              उचित  thoughtful,

prudent               irrational, foolish

Just        केवल  honest, impartial              unequal, unfair

Justify   दोनों ओर मिलान     defend, exculpate           impute, arraign

Juvenile               किशोर young, tender   dotage, antiquated

Keen     इच्छुक sharp, poignant vapid, insipid

Kindred                आत्मीय      relation, species               unrelated, dissimilar

Knave   धूर्त   dishonest,

scoundrel            paragon, innocent

Knell      समाधिवाली झंकार    death knell, last

blow      reconstruction, rediscovery

Knotty  विकट  complicated

difficult simple, manageable

Lavish    भव्य   abundant,

excessive            scarce, deficient

Lax         ढीला   slack, careless    firm, reliable

Lenient उदार  compassionate,

merciful               cruel, severe

Liable    उत्तरदायी      accountable, bound        unaccountable, apt to

Liberal   उदार  magnanimous,

generous             stingy, malicious

Linger    ठहराना loiter, prolong   hasten, quicken

Listless  उदासीन indifferent,

inattentive          brisk, attentive

Lucid      चमकदार     sound, rational  obscure, hidden

Lunacy  पागलपन     delusion, insanity             normalcy, sanity

Lure       चारा   attract, entice    repel, dissuade

Luscious               सुस्वाद palatable,

delicious              unsavoury, tart

Luxuriant             विलासी profuse, abundant          scanty, meagre

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Minute मिनट  diminutive,

miniature            large, colossal

Miraculous          चमत्कारपूर्ण   marvellous,

extraordinary    ordinary, trivial

Mitigate               कम करना    alleviate, relieve               augment, enhance

Modest                मामूली humble, courteous         arrogant, pompous

Molest  छेड़ना  harass, tease     console, soothe

Mollify  शमन करना   appease, assuage            irritate, infuriate

Momentous       सब से अहम  notable, eventful             trivial, insignificant

Monotonous     नीरस  irksome, tedious              varied, pleasant

Munificent          उदार  liberal,

hospitable           frugal, penurious

Murky   बदली का     dusky, dreary    bright shining

Mutinous            बाग़ी   recalcitrant,

insurgent             submissive, faithful

Mutual आपसी joint, identical   separate, distinct

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Negligent            लापरवाह      inattentive,

careless                vigilant, careful

Niggardly             कंजूसी से     miser, covetous                generous, profuse

Nimble तेज़   prompt, brisk     sluggish, languid

Nonchalant         बेपरवाह indifferent,

negligent             attentive, considerate

Novice  नौसिखिए     tyro, beginner   veteran, ingenious

Noxious               हानिकारक    baneful, injurious            healing, profitable

Nullify   उठा देना     cancel, annual   confirm, uphold

Numerous          बहुत   profuse, various               scarce, deficient

Obstruct              रोकना impede, prevent              hasten, encourage

Obvious               ज़ाहिर  evident, apparent           obscure, ambiguous

Occult   मनोगत latent, ambiguous           intelligible, transparent

Odious  घिनौना malevolent,

obnoxious           engaging, fascinating

Offensive            आक्रमण      abhorrent,

arrogant               docile, compliant

Offspring             संतति  descendant,

sibling   ancestor, forefather

Opaque                अपारदर्शी     obscure, shady transparent, bright

Oracular               पेशीनगोई का  cryptic, vague    lucid, distinct

Ordain  हुक्म देना     order, impose   revoke, abolish

Ornamental        सजावटी      decorative,

adorned               unseemly, plain

Outbreak             प्रकोप  eruption,

insurrection        compliance, subjection

Outrage               उल्लंघन      offence,

maltreatment    praise, favour

Overwhelm        डूब    triumph, subjugate         flounder, falter

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Synonyms and Antonyms List with Hindi Meaning – Part- 3 (P – Z)

Word     शब्द   Synonym             Antonym

Pamper                संतुष्ट करना  flatter, indulge  deny, disparage

Paramount         आला दर्जे का  foremost, eminent         trivial, inferior

Peerless               अद्वितीय     matchless,

unrivalled            mediocre, commonplace

Peevish                चिड़चिड़ा      perverse, sullen               suave, amiable

Pertness              Pertness              flippancy,

impudence         modesty, diffidence

Perverse              विकृत  petulant,

obstinate             complacent, docile

Placid    शांत   tranquil, calm     turbulent, hostile

Pompous             गर्वित  haughty, arrogant            unpretentious, humble

Precarious           अनिश्चित     doubtful, insecure           assured, undeniable

Predicament      स्थिति plight, dilemma resolution, confidence

Premature          असामयिक    precocious,

untimely              belated, opportune

Prodigious           अस्वाभाविक   vast, enormous unimpressive, diminutive

Prodigy कौतुक miracle, marvel normal, average

Profligate            अपव्ययी      dissolute,

degenerate        virtuous, upright

Profuse                विपुल  lavish, abundant               scarce, scantly

Proscribe             देश से निकालना     prohibit, exclude              solicit, include

Protract                बढ़ाना  prolong, delay   abbreviate, curtail

Provoke               भड़काना      inflame, incite   pacify, comfort

Prudent               विवेकी cautious, discreet            impetuous, unwise

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Quack   नीमहकीम     impostor, deceiver          upright, unfeigned

Quaint  विचित्र queer, strange  familiar, usual

Quarantine         कोरांटीन      seclude, screen befriend, socialize

Quell     वश में करना  subdue, reduce                exacerbate, agitate

Questionable     संदिग्ध dubious,

disputable           reliable, authentic

Quibble                वक्रोक्ति      equivocate,

prevaricate         unfeign, plain

Ratify    पुष्टि करना   consent, approve            deny, dissent

Ravage नाश   destroy, ruin      reconstruct, renovate

Redeem               एवज  recover, liberate              conserve, lose

Remnant             अवशेष residue, piece   entire, whole

Remonstrate     प्रतिवाद करना censure, protest              agree, laud

Remorse              पछतावा      regret, penitence            ruthlessness, obduracy

Remote                रिमोट  inaccessible,

farther  adjoining, adjacent

Rescind रद्द कर देना  annul, abrogate                delegate, permit

Resentment       नाराज़गी      displeasure, wrath          content, cheer

Retract वापस लेना    recant, withdraw             confirm, assert

Reverence          श्रद्धा  respect, esteem               disrespect, affront

Rout      घोर पराजय   vanquish,

overthrow          succumb, withdraw

Rustic    देहाती  rural uncivilised cultured, refined

Ruthless               क्रूर    remorseless,

inhumane           compassionate, lenient

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Sarcastic               कटु   ironical, derisive               courteous, gracious

Saucy    सजीव  impudent, insolent         modest, humble

Scanty   अल्प  scarce,

insufficient         lavish, multitude

Shabby जर्जर  miserable,

impoverished    prosperous, thriving

Shrewd चालाक cunning, crafty  simple, imbecile

Slander बदनामी defame, malign applaud, approve

Sneer    उपहास mock, scorn        flatter, praise

Solicit    मांगना entreat, implore               protest, oppose

Sporadic               छिटपुट intermittent,

scattered             incessant, frequent

Squalid मलिन dirty, filthy          tidy, attractive

Stain      धब्बा  blemish, tarnish                honour, purify

Stupor  व्यामोह lethargy,

unconsciousness              sensibility, consciousness

Subsequent       आगामी consequent,

following             Preceding, Previous

Substantial          ठोस   considerable,

solid       tenuous, fragile

Subvert                पलट देना     demolish, sabotage        generate, organise

Superficial           सतही  partial, shallow  profound, discerning

Sycophant           चापलूस parasite,

flatterer               devoted, loyal

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Taboo   निषेध  prohibit, ban      permit, consent

Taciturn                अल्पभाषी     reserved, silent talkative, extrovert

Tedious                ग़ैरदिलचस्प   wearisome, irksome       exhilarating, lively

Temperate         शीतोष्ण      cool, moderate boisterous, violent

Throng  भीड़   assembly, crowd              dispersion, sparsity

Timid     डरपोक diffident, coward             bold, intrepid

Tranquil                शांत   peaceful, composed       violent, furious

Transient             क्षणिक temporal,

transitory            lasting, enduring

Trenchant           तल्खी  assertive,

forceful                feeble, ambiguous

Trivial    तुच्छ  trifling,

insignificant        significant veteran

Tumultuous        उथल-पुथल    violent, riotous peaceful, harmonious

Tyro       नौसिखिए     beginner, learner             proficient, veteran

Umbrage             साया  resentment,

bitterness           sympathy, goodwill

Uncouth              गंवार  awkward,

ungraceful          elegant, graceful

Usurp    हड़पना seize, wrest        restore, compensate

Utterly  बिलकुल      completely,

entirely deficiently, incompletely

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Vagrant                आवारा wanderer, roaming         steady, settled

Valid      मान्य  genuine, authentic          fallacious, deceptive

Valour   वेलर   bravery, prowess             fear, cowardice

Vanity   घमंड  conceit,

pretension          modesty, humility

Venerable           आदरणीय     esteemed, honoured    unworthy, immature

Venom विष   poison,

malevolence      antidote, benevolent

Veteran               वयोवृद्ध      ingenious,

experienced      novice, tyro

Vicious  शातिर corrupt, obnoxious         noble, virtuous

Vigilant जागरूक      cautious, alert   careless, negligent

Volatile परिवर्तनशील   light, changing   heavy, ponderous

Vouch   ज़मानत देना  confirm, consent              repudiate, prohibit

Vulgar   अशिष्ट inelegant,

offensive             elegant, civil

Waive   माफ़ करें     relinquish, remove          impose, clamp

Wan       वान   pale, faded         bright, healthy

Wane    पतन  decline, dwindle               ameliorate, rise

Wary     सावधान      cautious,

cirumspect          heedless, negligent

Wed      विवाह करना   marry, combine                divorce, separate

Wicked शैतान  vicious, immoral               virtuous, noble

Wield    फिराना use, employ       forgo, avoid

Wilt        विल्ट  wither, perish    revive, bloom

Yearn    हुड़कना languish, crave  content, satisfy

Yell         चिल्लाना     shout, shriek      whisper, muted

Yield      प्राप्ति  surrender,

abdicate               resist, protest

Yoke      दासत्व का चिह्न     connect, harness             liberate, release

Zeal        उत्साह eagerness, fervour         apathy, lethargy

Zenith   शीर्षबिंदु summit, apex    nadir, base

Zest       दिलचस्पी     delight,

enthusiasm        disgust, passive

Zig-zag                  oblique, wayward            straight, unbent

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List of Antonyms and Synonyms With Hindi Meaning (Very Important)

Word     शब्द   Synonym             Antonym

Abandon             त्याग दें      Give up , Reject , Renounce , Drop , Desert , Quit , Forsake , Leave , Forgo , Surrender , Vacate                Self-control , Adopt , Uphold , Remain with , Adhere to , Keep , Retain with , Stay with , Cling to

Abhor   घृणा करना    Disdain , Hate , Abominate , Dislike , Scorn , Despise        Devotion , Fondness , Passion , Love , Attachment , Admiration , Affection

Aboveboard       निश्छल Honest , Frank , Straightforward , Sincere , Open , Trustworthy  Deceitful , Sneaky , Dishonest , Ambiguous , Crooked , Crafty

Abridge                संक्षेप करना   Shorten , Compress , Abstract , Reduce , Curtail , Abbreviate       Enlarge , Lengthen , Expand , Increase , Extend

Abrupt  आकस्मिक    Sudden , Brief , Blunt , Sharp , Unexpected , Quick , Curt , Rude , Hasty  Smooth , Expected , Courteous , Gradual , Expected , Gentle , Gracious

Absurd बेतुका  Foolish , Ludicrous , Stupid , Senseless , Ridiculous , Irrational      Logical , Reasonable , Sound , Sensible

Abundance         प्रचुरता Plenty , Profusion , Surplus          Scarcity , Deficiency , Dearth , Lack , Want , Shortage , Need

Accustomed       आदी  Habitual , Regular , Usual , Customary , Conventional      Inexperienced , Special , Rare , New , Unused , Unusual ,

Acknowledge    स्वीकार करो   Admit , Consent , Profess , Allow , Concede , Confess     Contradict , Disallow , Deny , Refuse , Disclaim

Acquisition          अर्जन  Acquirement , Benefit , Gain , Achievement , Possession , Attainment   Loss , Dearth

Adhere पालन  Cling , Keep , Fasten , Bind , Stick , Join , Hold      Separate , Split , Detach , Disjoin

Adversity             विपत्ति Misfortune , Disaster , Ill Luck , Woe , Hardship , Distress , Misery , Poverty , Trouble ,Affliction            Prosperity , Good Luck , Fortune , Happiness

Affront अपमान provoke, irreverence     conciliate, mollify

Alarming              चिन्ताजनक   Frightful , Dreadful , Terrible , Shocking , Ominous , Awful , Threatening , Scary                Hopeful , Comforting , Auspicious , Encouraging , Optimistic

Amalgamate      मिलाना Combine , Blend , Merge , Unite               Separate , Split , Divide

Ambiguous         अस्पष्ट Unclear , Uncertain , Doubtful , Unsure , Vague , Indefinite , Obscure , Mysterious , Ambivalent         Clear , Explicit , Definite , Lucid , Distinct , Evident , Precise

Amiable               सौम्य  Lovable , Sociable , Charming , Cordial , Winning , Affable , Pleasing , Agreeable , Outgoing , Friendly , Genial               Unattractive , Peevish , Displeasing , Rude , Disagreeable , Irritable , Cold , Hateful

Antique                प्राचीन Ancient , Outdated , Old Fashioned , Obsolete , Quaint  Modern , Contemporary , New , Fresh

Apparent             स्पष्ट  Clear , Distinct , Visible , Conspicuous , Obvious , Evident               Hidden , Invisible , Behind , Ambiguous , Obscure , Mysterious , Secret , Uncertain , Doubtful

Ardent  उत्कट Eager , Devoted , Intense , Excited , Passionate , Earnest , Zealous            Indifferent , Sluggish , Apathetic , Lethargic , Dull , Cold

Assiduous           परिश्रमी Industrious , Active , Diligent , Devoted , Tireless , Laborious , Careful , Attentive                Negligent , Lazy , Sluggish , Idle , Indolent , Sluggish

Audacious           साहसी Intrepid , Adventurous , Daring , Bold , Courageous , Insolent , Impudent              Courteous , Humble , Polite , Modest , Fearful , Timid

Auspicious          शुभ   Propitious , Fortunate , Benign , Hopeful , Favourable     Inauspicious , Baleful , ill-Fated , Ominous , Unlucky

Authentic            विश्वसनीय    Genuine , Veritable , Real , Pure , Actual , True   False , Bogus , Fictitious , Artificial , Fake , Counterfeit

Auxiliary               सहायक Helping , Subordinate , Secondary , Spare , Supporting , Additional           Fundamental , Principal , Major , Essential , Primary , Chief , Main

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Barren  बांझ   Sterile , Desert , Childless , Bare , Unproductive , Dull      Fertile , Yielding , Fecund , Productive , Fruitful

Belief    आस्था Trust , Certainty , Faith , Truth , Reliance                Distrust , Disbelief , Suspicion , Doubt

Beneath               नीचे   Below , Inferior , Under , Down , Underneath     Up , Beyond , Overhead , Over , Above

Benediction        आशीर्वाद     Blessing , Boon , Benison , Prayer , Grace , favor , Gratitude , Baptism , Orison     Curse , Anathema , Bane , Affliction , Malediction

Blunder                बड़ी भूल      Mistake , Error , Folly , Omission , Fumble , Fault                Accuracy , Correct

Boastful               डींग मारने का Bragging , Braggart , Proud , Pompous , Vain , Arrogant , Haughty              Modest , Humble

Bravery वीरता  Courage , Mettle , Fortitude , Audacity , Gallantry , Heroism , Valour , Daring , Boldness  Cowardice , Humility , Fright , Timidity , Dread , Fear

Brevity  संक्षिप्तता     Short , Laconic , Concise , Brief   Confused , Longevity , Loquacious , Verbosity , Garrulity

Bristle   बाल खड़े करना Swagger , Burst , Rage , Anger    Conceal , Bury , Hide

Brittle    नाज़ुक Crisp , Stiff , Fragile , Inflexible , Friable , Delicate , Breakable       Supple , Tough , Elastic , Flexible , Hard , Solid , Unbreakable

Brutal    क्रूर    Savage , Inhuman , Bestial , Merciless , Cruel , Barbarous               Tender , Merciful , Compassionate , Humane , Sympathetic , Gentle , Kind

Calamity               आपदा Disaster , Misfortune , Catastrophe , Mishap , Hardship , Tragedy , Adversity , Trouble , Misery , Distress               Prosperity , Fortune , Peace , Joy , Happiness , Blessing , Boon , Luck , Windfall , Bliss

Callous  कठोर  Hard , Merciless , Indifferent , Cruel , Heartless , Hard-Hearted , Indifferent , Apathetic , Cold , Tough                Soft , Gracious , Tender , Humane , Sensitive , Compassionate , Sympathetic , Affectionate

Candid  खरा   Impartial , Outspoken , Fair , Straightforward , Truthful , Frank , Sincere , Honest , Just ,  Deceitful , Double-Dealing , Cunning , Misleading , Crafty , Subtle , Deceptive , Dishonest

Capture                कैद   Arrest , Occupy , Seize , Conquer , Snatch , Obtain , Catch , Grab , Apprehend , Get , Possession , Take , Attain , Grasp , Acquire , Trap              Liberate , Escape , Release , Lose , Acquit , Free

Castigate             पीटना  Criticize , Punish , Blame , Chastise , Scold , Chide , Censure          Compliment , Pardon , Spare , Excuse , Condone , Praise

Chaos    अराजकता    Disorder , Clutter , Confusion , Bedlam , Jumble , Mess , Agitation , Turmoil , Uproar        Order , Discipline , Organization , Calm , Government , System , Harmony , Concord

Cogent ठोस   Compelling , Powerful , Forceful , Rational , Potent , Effective     Weak , Irrelevant , Invalid , Ineffective , Foolish

Coherent             सुसंगत Lucid , Rational , Connected , Compact , Consistent          Confused , illogical , Jumbled , Irrational

Combat                युद्ध  War , Fighting , Battle , Encounter , Contest , Fight , Conflict         Harmony , Peace , Concord , Amity , Cooperation , Surrender , Compromise

Compassion       दया   Mercy , Condolence , Charity , Tenderness , Sympathy , Kindness             Cruelty , Antipathy , Barbarity , Severity , Aversion , Hatred , Indifference , Harshness , Brutality , Coldness

Conceited           अभिमानी     Vain , Egotistic , Arrogant , Boastful , Haughty , Proud , Pompous               Modest , Meek , Humble

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Concord               सामंजस्य     Unity , Harmony , Peace , Agreement , Amity , Accord    Animosity , Hostility , Discord , Dissent , Disagreement

Condemn            निंदा   Censure , Rebuke , Blame , Criticize , Denounce , Scold   Praise , Appreciate , Acquit , Exonerate , Glorify

Confess                कबूल  Acknowledge , Declare , Reveal , Concede , Admit , Accept , Disclose , Profess    Deny , Reject , Hide , Conceal

Congregation     मण्डली Assembly , Throng , Group , Convention , Swarm , Gathering , Crowd , Mass , Flock                Division , Solitude , Separation , Seclusion , Dispersion , Loneliness

Contemptible    घिनौना Pitiful , Petty , Vile , Mean , Wretched    Respectable , Decent , Admirable , Worthy , Excellent

Contrary              विरोध  Opposite , Adverse , Conflicting , Reverse , Contradictory , Opposed       Identical , Pleasant , Similar , Compatible , Consistent , Alike

Controversy       विवाद  Dispute , Strife , Argument , Discord , Contention , Conflict , Debate , Quarrel      Agreement , Peace , Compromise , Concord , Accord , Harmony

Crabby  चिड़चिड़ा      Bad-tempered , Disagreeable , ill-natured , Sour , Irritable , peevish         Good-natured , Cordial , Affable , Pleasant , Amiable , Genial , Sweet

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Debase मूल्य घटाना   Degrade , Depress , Corrupt , Dishonor , Disgrace , Defile , Abase , Profane , Depreciate Clean , Purify , Honor , Praise , Glorify , Enrich , Uplift

Deceit   छल   Fraud , Treachery , Deception , Cheating , Hypocrisy , Counterfeit             Honesty , Credibility , Truth , Accuracy , Truthfulness , Candor

Deficient              अपूर्ण  Wanting , Meager , Lacking , Short , Defective , Scanty , Incomplete , Inadequate , insufficient                Enough , Excessive , Adequate , Abundant , Plentiful , Ample , Sufficient , Satisfactory

Defile    अशुद्ध Corrupt , Degrade , Dirty , Violate , Pollute , Debase , Profane , Contaminate       Clean , Purify , Honor , Sanctify

Despair निराशा Disappointment , Hopelessness , Discouragement , Depression , Misery                Hope , Optimism , Courage , Anticipation

Dictator                तानाशाह      Tyrant , Autocrat , Despot , Oppressor   Democrat , Follower

Doleful मातमी Dismal , Gloomy , Miserable , Cheerless , Sad , Melancholy , Mournful , Unhappy , Depressed                Elated , Glad , Happy , Joyful , Cheerful , Delighted , Jocund

Elegant शिष्ट  Luxurious , Polished , Dignified , Fine , Graceful , Refined , Exquisite , Polite          Inexpensive , Ugly , Simple , Awkward , Usual , Rough , Vulgar , Rude , Coarle

Eloquent              सुवक्ता Expressive , Vivid , Meaningful , Graceful , Significant      Hesitant , Meaningless , Clumsy , Inexpressive , Dull

Erudite वैज्ञानिक      Learned , Educated , Enlightened , Academic , Literate , Wise , Intellectual            Illiterate , Ignorant

Exotic    विदेशी Fascinating , Strange , Marvelous              Domestic , Common , Familiar , Ordinary

Extraordinary     असाधारण    Unusual , Fantastic , Remarkable , Exceptional , Astonishing , Uncommon , Amazing                Ordinary , Conventional , Commonplace , Mediocre , Customary , Average , Normal , Usual

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Facile     सुगम  Quick , Simple , Eloquent , Fluent , Ready , Easy , Smooth              Complex , Hard , Difficult , Clumsy , Awkward , complicated

Falsehood           झूठ   Deception , Deceit , Fiction , Fabrication , Evasion , Lie     Truth , Accuracy , Fact , Veracity , Reality , Honesty , Certainty

Fame     प्रसिद्धि      Esteem , Repute , Credit , Prestige , Glory , Honour , Reputation , Renown           Disrepute , Dishonour , Notoriety , Obscurity , Oblivion

Fatal      घातक  Lethal , Malignant , Mortal , Destructive , Deadly               Life-Giving , Constructive , Helpful , Beneficial

Feeble  निर्बल  Weak , Fragile , Impotent , Languid , Frail              Strong , Forceful , Vigorous , Firm , Muscular , Powerful , Robust

Felicity  परम सुख     Happiness , Glee , Joy , Bliss , Pleasure , Enjoyment , Delight        Unhappiness , Calamity , Affliction , Anguish

Feud      अदावत Strife , Dispute , Contention , Conflict , Quarrel  Peace , Concord , Amity , Harmony , Agreement

Filthy     गंदा   Nasty , Foul , Unclean , Putrid , Dirty , Impure , Polluted , Corrupt              Immaculate , Clean , Virtuous , Pure , Decent , Spotless

Flattery चापलूसी      Eulogy , Applause , Praise , Compliment Criticism , Denunciation , Insult , Condemnation , Derogation , Offence

Forbid   रोकना Prohibit , Impede , Disallow , Restrain , Ban , Deny , Prevent        Allow , Concede , Permit , Authorize , Approve , Assent

Fortitude             धैर्य   Endurance , Boldness , Courage , Determination , Resolution , Mettle , Bravery , Strength , Valor     Cowardice , Fear , Timidity , Weakness ,

Fragment            टुकड़ा  Portion , Crumb , Fraction , Scrap , Part , Segment , Piece              Whole , Complete , All , Total , Everything

Fraudulent          धोखाधड़ी     Deceitful , Bogus , False , Fake , Dishonest , Crooked , Deceptive , Treacherous                Honest , Legal , Truthful , Trustworthy , Valid , Genuine , Honorable , Upright

Futile     निरर्थक Fruitless , Barren , Useless , Pointless , Vain , Ineffective , Unproductive , Worthless , Sterile                Rewarding , Useful , Successful , Affective , Fruitful , Worthwhile , Productive

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Gruff     कर्कश  Abrupt , Harsh , Rude , Hoarse , Rough   Clear , Civil , Pleasant , Genial , Easy

Harmony             सामंजस्य     Agreement , Affinity , Concord , Amity , Unison , Accord                Conflict , Controversy , Discord , Friction , Disagreement , Dissent , Clash , Contention

Haughty               अभिमानी     Arrogant , Vain , Pompous , Boastful , Proud       Humble , Docile , Week , Timid , Modest , Meek ,

Hazard  जोखिम Danger , Threat , Jeopardy , Peril , Venture , Risk               Certainty , Surety , Protection , Security

Heedless             असावधान    Careless , Hasty , Reckless , Rash , Negligent , Indifferent              Careful , Observant , Prudent , Attentive , Thoughtful

Hindrance           बाधा   Obstruction , Constraint , Impediment , Harrier , Blockage , Obstacle , Restriction              Help , Support , Contribution , Assistance , Assist , Advance , Aid

Horrible                भयंकर Frightful , Horrid , Ghastly , Horrifying , Fearful , Terrific , Ugly , Awful      Agreeable , Attractive , Pleasant , Fascinating , Delightful , Pleasing , charming

Humorous           विनोदपूर्ण     Funny , Playful , Comic , Ludicrous , Comical , Laughable , Jocular , Sportive , Amusing                Serious , Morose , Grave , Depressing , Dull , Tragic , Gloomy , Sad , Sober

Identical               समान  Alike , Exact , Same , Similar , Uniform , Equivalent , Equal ,           Different , Unlike , Dissimilar , Diverse , Distinct

Impetuous          अविवेकी      Hasty , Careless , Thoughtless , Reckless , Rash , Impatient           Prudent , Sensible , Cautious , Hesitant , Careful

Inclement           बेदर्द   Rough , Severe , Stormy , Harsh , Unpleasant , Unfavourable      Genial , Temperate , Mild , Favourable , Pleasant

Indecent              अभद्र  Lewd , Coarse , Improper , Offensive , Shameless , Foul Decent , Appropriate , Pure , Virtuous , Moral , Proper

Industrious         मेहनती Diligent , Productive , Hard working , Energetic , Zealous                Idle , Dormant , Lazy , Inactive , Indolent

Judicious              उचित  Wise , Sage , Prudent , Reasonable , Sensible , Sane        Unreasonable , Imprudent , Foolish , Absurd

Juvenile               किशोर Young , Adolescent , Immature , Childish , Youth , Puerile , Callow             Mature , Adult , Grown-up , Developed , Advanced

Liberal   उदार  Plentiful , Generous , Tolerant , Lenient , Free    Scanty , Partial , Grasping , Biased , Low , Mean

Lucrative              लाभप्रद Profitable , Fertile , Fruitful , Rewarding , Beneficial , Worthwhile , Productive , Remunerative                Unprofitable , Marginal , Losing , Unproductive

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Merriment          आमोद Gaiety , Happiness , Mirth , Amusement , Glee , Delight , Cheerfulness , Laughter , Jocularity                Melancholy , Grief , Woe , Desolation , Depression , Sorrow , Sadness

Miserable            दुखी   Forlorn , Melancholy , Unhappy , Sad , Dismal , Pathetic , Wretched , Oppressive                Happy , Jocund , Cheerful , Glad , Joyous , Prosperous , Dignified , Blessed

Modicum             भोजन की थोड़ी मात्रा  Bit , Scrap , Little , Crumb , Minimum , Morsel , Trifle        Lot , Abundance , Much , Plenty

Monster              राक्षस  Enormous , Gigantic , Huge , Devil , Demon , Tremendous , Giant              Tiny , Miniature , Pygmy

Nervous               परेशान Hesitant , Anxious , Timid , Restless , Afraid , Tense , Agitated , Disturbed , Uneasy , Agitated , Upset    Courageous , Serene , Bold , Calm , Valiant , Relaxed , Brave , Courageous , Confident

Obscure               अस्पष्ट Dim , Mysterious , Gloomy , Unclear , Cloudy , Doubtful , Hidden , Vague              Apparent , Notable , Lucid , Definite , Straightforward , Visible , Transparent , Clear , Evident

Obstinate            हठी   Stubborn , Rigid , Headstrong , Adamant , Firm , Obdurate , Determined ,             Flexible , Yielding , Pliable , Docile , Submissive

Offensive            आक्रमण      Aggressive , Obnoxious , Repulsive , Hostile , Revolting  Defensive , Agreeable , Pleasing , Amiable

Ominous              अमंगल Inauspicious , Harmful , Menacing , Dangerous , Threatening , Unlucky , Sinister Auspicious , Encouraging , Promising , Favorable , Propitious , Prosperous , Lucky , Benign

Orthodox            रूढ़िवादी      Conventional , Usual , Traditional , Customary , Dogmatic              Heterodox , Advanced , Unusual , Progressive , Unconventional , Irregular

Outspoken         मुखर  Frank , Unreserved , Straightforward , Blunt        Taciturn , Silent , Timid , Reticent , Reserved

Pertinent             उचित  Relevant , Proper , Apposite , Suitable , Significant , Applicable , Appropriate       Irrelevant , Contradictory , Inappropriate , Irrelative

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Precarious          अनिश्चित     Hazardous , Critical , Risky , Unsafe , Uncertain , Perilous , Dangerous      Stable , Reliable , Sure , Secure , Certain , Safe

Predicament      स्थिति Puzzle , Fix , Quandary , Difficulty , Dilemma , Counterfeit             Assurance , Ease , Decision , Comfort

Pristine                प्राचीन Untainted , Pure , Spotless , Original , Clean , Virgin          Contaminated , Polluted , Spotted , Damaged , Spoiled , Impure , Dirty

Proclaim              प्रचार करो    Publish , Communicate , Announce , Circulate , Declare , Reveal , Inform , Profess                Recant , Suppress , Retract , Hide , Disavow , Conceal ,

Prodigal               उड़ाऊ  Lavish , Reckless , Spendthrift , Abundant , Extravagant , Wastrel              Thrifty , Selfish , Careful , Limited , Economical , Frugal

Prominent          प्रसिद्ध Celebrated , Well-known , Leading , Renowned , Eminent , Outstanding , Notable , Famous , Eye-catching , Important , remarkable    Minor , Common , Unimportant , Ordinary , Petty , Average , Hidden , Unknown , Insignificant

Prosaic नीरस  Dull , Ordinary , Commonplace , Insipid , Boring , Tedious              Interesting , Extraordinary , Fantastic , Exciting , Unusual

Prudent               विवेकी Wise , Rational , Careful , Intelligent , Judicious , Provident , Sensible , Cautious  Careless , Rash , Extravagant , Reckless , Imprudent , Foolish

Queer   विचित्र Curious , Abnormal , Funny , Quaint , Awkward , Strange , Unusual , Odd , Eccentric         Normal , Common , Conventional , Usual , Ordinary

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Radiant दीप्तिमान     Brilliant , Shining , Beaming , Delighted , Resplendent , Ecstatic , Sparkling , Refulgent      Dark , Sad , Dull , Gloomy , Dismal

Reluctant            अनिच्छुक     Unwilling , Resistant , Slow , Averse , Opposed , Hesitant              Desirous , Anxious , Willing , Keen , Eager , Enthusiastic , Quick , Ready , Cooperative

Repentance       पछतावा      Regret , Repent , Sorrow , Humiliation , Grief , Atonement , Anguish , Confession Remorse              Satisfaction , Pleasure

Scanty   अल्प  Deficient , Narrow , Slender , Limited , Meagre , Sparse , Poor, Inadequate , Few , Small ,                Ample , Plentiful , Excessive , Abundant , Sufficient ,

Sinister भयावह Evil , Unlucky , Idleness , ominous , Corrupt, Wicked , Malevolent             Good , Auspicious , Lucky , Vigour , Fortunate , Promising , benign , Favourable , Propitious , Hopeful

Sordid   घिनौना Mean , Selfish , Corrupt , Degraded , Immoral , Dirty , Greedy , Base        Clean , Reputable , Decent , Respectable, Fresh , Generous , Moral

Splendid              शानदार Resplendent , Marvellous , Radiant , Magnificent , Brilliant , Wonderful , Shining , Great , Excellent              Dull , Ordinary , Dark , Humble , Dim , Dreadful , Cloudy , Terrible

Stable   स्थिर  Firm , Steady , Constant , Stationary , Unchanging , Fixed              Hesitant , Changeable , Wavering , Shaky , Fluctuating

Sterile  बाँझ   Barren , Impotent , Unfruitful , Vain , Unproductive , Abortive ,Fruitless , Arid , Futile , Worthless                Fruitful , Creative , Productive , Effective , Fertile , Prolific , Fecund ,

Stubborn             हठी   Headstrong , Firm , Inflexible , Determined , Obstinate , Obdurate           Adaptable , Broad-minded , Docile , Open-minded , Flexible , Yielding , Submissive , Agreeable , Easygoing , Obedient

Substantial         ठोस   Actual , Stable , Real , Prosperous , Existing , Generous  Unreal , Needy , Fanciful , Fragile , illusive

Surplus अतिरिक्त     Excess , Abundance , Extra , Spare , Surfeit , Plethora , Excessive               Wanting , Scarcity , Lacking , Deficiency , Short , Inadequacy , Shortage , Dearth

Tragic    दुखद  Fatal , Disastrous , Pathetic , Dreadful , Mournful , Shocking         Comic , Pleasing , Cheerful , Comical , Amusing

Transient             क्षणिक Brief , Spasmodic , Momentary , Changeable , Temporary , Temporal , Ephemeral             long , Everlasting , Lasting , Endless , Permanent , Ceaseless , Persistent , Established , Enduring , Constant

Transparent       पारदर्शक      Frank , Lucid , Open , Clear , Obvious , Apparent , Visible               Opaque , Cloudy , Hidden , Murky

Vague   अस्पष्ट Dim , Obscure , Nebulous , Indefinite , Doubtful , Ambiguous , Unclear , Abstruse             Clear , Evident , Defined , Obvious , Sharp , Certain , Distinct , Definite

Vague   अस्पष्ट Uncertain , Confusing , Indefinite , Cloudy , Unclear , Abstruse , Obscure , Murky , Ambiguous , Mysterious , Doubtful    Certain , Specific , Definite , Translucent , Clear , Lucid , Distinct , Apparent , Obvious , Evident

Victory जीत   Triumph , Fulfilment , Success , Attainment , Achievement , Primacy , Conquest , Domination                Defeat , Failure , Downfall , Frustration , Loss

Whimsical          सनकी Fantastic , Eccentric , Fanciful , Fickle , Erratic       Customary , Normal , Reasonable , Sensible

Wicked शैतान  Malevolent , Evil , Heinous , Criminal , Vicious , Corrupt , Immoral , Bad   Just , Moral , Good , Virtuous , Upright ,

Worthless           बेकार  Cheap , Futile , Base , Useless , Valueless , Contemptible              Excellent , Useful , Good , Worthwhile , Valuable , Admirable

Wrath   कोप   Rage , Vexation , Anger , Displeasure , Fury , Irritation , Resentment        Pleasure , Affection , Delight , Happiness

A to Z Vocab List With Hindi Meaning-Download PDF For SSC CGL Exams

About PDF Of: A to Z  Vocab List With Hindi Meaning

Name of eBook: 10000 Vocabulary Words with Hindi Meaning

Number of Pages: 650

Quality of Pages: Excellent

Format: PDF File

File Size: 59.04 MB

Language: English with Hindi Meaning


 Vocabulary Words with Hindi Meaning

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