Is vs. Are

Is vs. Are

Today in this article we shall discuss with you on the English topic Is vs. Are in detail. In the earlier post you have read about Article A vs An in detail.

Is vs. Are-

When to Use Are vs. Is (with Useful Examples)-

Is vs. are! Some grammar rules are learnt in elementary schools, and yet they still cause a lot of confusion for many English speakers. This might happen because certain words are misused in popular songs, movies, and TV-shows, and everyone who listens to this music or watches these films cannot help getting confused occasionally. This is something that can happen in a text message without anyone noticing but in formal writing, it is unacceptable. For example, there is no way that is vs. are can be confused in an essay, a research paper, or a formal email. Read on to know how to avoid making such a mistake.

Is vs. Are-

IS is the form of a verb to be that is used for singular nouns, while ARE is the form used for plural nouns. So far, everything is pretty obvious. When you have a singular noun, you need to use is, e.g. The girl is intelligent, the cat is running in the yard. When you have a plural noun or more than one singular noun, use are, e.g. Her sons are at school, the boy and the dog are playing.

But what happens with collective nouns? Collective nouns are those that, even though describing a group of people, are still singular. An example is the noun team: a team consists of many players, and yet this is a singular noun. Because it’s singular, you still need to use is with it. Other examples would be sentences like “A couple is buying a new fridge” and “The committee is having a meeting right now“.

इंग्लिश में इज वर्सेज आर-

Sometimes, however, you can see an  are after a collective noun. This can happen in American English if the writer wants to emphasize that this collective noun refers to more than one person. For instance, you might come across a sentence, “The couple aren’t being honest with each other“.

The English language also has mass, or uncountable nouns. These, as their name suggests, can’t be counted. For example, you can’t say that you have “two waters” or “two moneys”: these are two examples of mass nouns. They are followed by is in both British and American English, So, you would say, “Water is necessary for people to live” and “Money is the root of all evil”.

 Here, it might not be as obvious or as easy as it seems. With a number of, even though “number” is singular, it’s best to use are, e.g. “A number of students are reading this book now“. Other phrases, such as a group of, can take both is and are, depending on what you want to emphasize on. If your emphasis is on the group, then you should choose is, e.g. “This group of teachers is inspirational“. But when your emphasis is on individuals, you should go for are,
e.g. “A bunch of teachers are changing their workplace this year“. Finally, with a pair of, it’s best to use is, e.g. “This pair of shoes is the last one“.

Is vs. Are-

There Is vs There Are

One final thing that can cause confusion is the difference between there is and there are. To be safe and correct, look at what goes after this phrase and choose the verb according to the rules discussed previously. For example, a cat is singular, so the correct sentence to write would be, “There is a cat on the roof“. On the other hand, books are plural, so you would write, “There are many books on the shelf“. The rules of collective and uncountable nouns, as well as of collective phrases, also stay the same.

Is vs. Are Examples-

  1. The fox is known by his brush.
  2. A good healthy body is worth more a crown in gold.
  3. I will look after her child when she is on a business trip.
  4. He is not really suited for a teaching career.
  5. There is a connection between pollution and the death of trees.
  6. You are never too old to learn.
  7. They are preparing for the presentation of a new musical.
  8. His children are very precious to him.
  9. We are growing impatient with the lack of results.
  10. There are two sides to every question.

Jagminder Singh

My name is Jagminder Singh and I like to share knowledge and help.

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