List of Accessories and Hat Names


Today in this article we shall discuss with you about List of Accessories and Hat Names in detail. In the earlier post you have read about the Determiners in detail.

List of Accessories and Hat Names-

List of accessories and different types of hats! Learn accessories vocabulary words and hat names in English with pictures and examples to increase your clothes vocabulary in English. With fashion being such a popular subject, there are a whole wealth of accessories which people use to make their outfits look that much more interesting. If you are out shopping and wish to purchase a certain accessory, you will need to be able to ask the shop assistant for the product. This is where your knowledge of the English names for accessories will help you greatly. In this section, you will find all the relevant words to this subject to add to your growing vocabulary.

Accessories are smaller items that can be added to outfits to complete them. Examples of accessories are shoes, jewellery and handbags. Accessories are not essential to an outfit, but they help to add to the beauty and effectiveness of the style that the outfit is conveying. You can match accessories to your clothes and to other accessories that you are wearing. For example, you would wear silver jewellery if you were also wearing silver shoes.

Learn names of hats and other accessories in English.

Accessories are smaller items that can be added to outfits to complete them. Examples of accessories are shoes, jewellery and handbags. Accessories are not essential to an outfit, but they help to add to the beauty and effectiveness of the style that the outfit is conveying. You can match accessories to your clothes and to other accessories that you are wearing. For example, you would wear silver jewellery if you were also wearing silver shoes.

Accessories are smaller items that can be added to outfits to complete them. Examples of accessories are shoes, jewellery and handbags. Accessories are not essential to an outfit, but they help to add to the beauty and effectiveness of the style that the outfit is conveying. You can match accessories to your clothes and to other accessories that you are wearing. For example, you would wear silver jewellery if you were also wearing silver shoes.

लिस्ट ऑफ़ नेम्स ऑफ़ एक्सेसरीज एंड हैट्स इन इंग्लिश –

List of Accessories







7.Bow tie










17.Hair clip (U.K) – Bobby pin (U.S)

18.Hair band

19.Safety pin

20.Pocket watch

Different Types of Hats




4.Straw hat

5.Derby hat


7.Top hat

8.Mortar board

Accessories Names with Examples-

Accessories or Fashion accessories are items used to contribute, in a secondary manner, to the wearer’s outfit, often used to complete an outfit and chosen to specifically complement the wearer’s look.


– She was still wearing her sunglasses.


– He’d had time to wash his hands and take off his apron.


– She removes her gold necklace.


– My watch has stopped.

No.-5. Socks

– He hated wearing dirty socks.


– I wear a shirt and tie at work.

No.-7.Bow tie

– Emma sat silently in her blue suit and little bow tie.


– Julie opened her handbag and took out her purse.


– He wore a gold ring on his right hand.


– Gardening gloves protect your hands from being scratched or stung.


– Sammi was wearing a green scarf.


– I don’t have an umbrella.


– Ankle boots are fashionable again this autumn.


– She knelt down on the floor and took her mittens off.


– I refused to wear her tunic and stockings.


– I’ll lend you my gloves and earmuffs until you get your own.

No.-17.Hair clip (U.K) – Bobby pin (U.S)

– Her hair is long and brown with a purple flower hair clip.

No.-18.Hair band

– She has a hair band.

No.-19.Safety pin

– She pinned the gown at neck with a safety pin.

No.-20.Pocket watch

– My pocket watch showed that it was only six-twenty.

List of Accessories-

Types of Hats –

Learn different types of hats and hat names with examples.

No.-1. Beanie

– He thought he had on a jacket and trousers, possibly with a beanie.


– Give me your cap.


– Antoinette wore her new blue suit and red beret.

No.-4.Straw hat

– She had taken off her straw hat.

No.-5.Derby hat

– A derby hat is placed on the table, under which is a ball.


– Wear a helmet, use bike reflectors and wear bright clothing.

No.-7.Top hat

– The men all wore top hat and tails.

No.-8. Mortar board

– The blue silk mortar board she wore was edged in gold lace with a gold bullion button and tassel.

Jagminder Singh

My name is Jagminder Singh and I like to share knowledge and help.

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