

Antonyms:-  आज SSCGK आपसे Antonyms के बारे में विस्तार से चर्चा करेंगे

इससे पहली पोस्ट में आप Synonyms Meaning and Examples के बारे में विस्तार से पढ़ चुके हैं।




  1. Successor – predecessor
  2. Demolish – build
  3. Inevitable – avoidable
  4. Humility – cruelty
  5. Incredible – believable
  6. Terminate – begin
  7. Rapidly – slowly
  8. Quiet – pandemonium
  9. Make – break
  10. Urban – rural
  11. Explicit – ambiguous
  12. Shallow – deep
  13. Immune – vulnerable
  14. Bleak – bright
  15. Insolent – humble
  16. Veneration – disrespect
  17. Concur – disagree
  18. Extol – censure
  19. Vague – clear
  20. Genial – unkind
  21. Fastidious – adjustable
  22. Guilty – innocent
  23. Proposely – unintentionally
  24. Innovate – copy
  25. Enduring – fleeting


  26. Hinder – encourage
  27. Collapse – rise
  28. Brave – timid
  29. Anxious – carefree
  30. Prevent – induce
  31. Dissolution – establishment
  32. Asceticism – establishment
  33. Harmony – disagreement
  34. Zeal – apathy
  35. Shimmering – gloomy
  36. Duplicity – honesty
  37. Uncompromising – flexible
  38. Opaque – transparent
  39. Dormant – active
  40. Flair – inability
  41. Hazy – clear
  42. Jocular – morose
  43. Desecration – consecration
  44. Frailty – strength
  1. Plausible – implausible
  2. Thrifty – wasteful
  3. Fantastic – ordinary
  4. Melodious tuneless
  5. Scorn – admiration
  6. Eminent – notorious

एन्टोंन्यम्स वर्ड्स :-

  1. Barbarous – civilized
  2. Frugal – extravagant
  3. Superficial – Thorough
  4. Diffidence – boldness
  5. Contaminate – purify
  6. Lurid – mild
  7. Moderate – extreme
  8. Permanent – temporary
  9. Exceptional – simple
  10. Grandoise – simple
  11. Niggardly – lavishly
  12. Advanced – receded
  13. Reckless – careful
  14. Confiscate – release
  15. Often – rarely
  16. Enlightened – ignorant
  17. Trivial – serious
  18. Conclusive – indecisive
  19. Paucity – plenty
  20. Triggered – choked
  1. Yield to – resist
  2. Falling off – improvement
  3. Diffidence – boldness
  4. Takes off – lands
  5. Audacious – timid
  6. Stimulate – discourage
  7. Genuine – fictitious
  8. Prosperity – adversity
  9. Expand – contract
  10. Deliberate – unintenational
  11. Meticulous – careless
  12. Commence – conclude
  13. Intenational – accidental
  14. Manifested – concealed
  15. Commotion – transition
  16. Repulsive – attractive
  17. Perilous – safe
  18. Monotony – variety
  19. Repel – attract
  20. Vindictive – forgiving
  21. Embellish – spoil
  22. Anarchy – permanence
  23. Capture – liberate
  24. Dynamic – static
  25. Hereditary – acquired
  26. Accomplish – fail
  27. Fatigued – energised
  28. Artificial – natural
  29. Liberty – slavery
  30. Isolation – association