
ONE WORD SUBSTITUTION:- आज  SSCGK आपसे ONE WORD SUBSTITUTION के बारे में आपसे विस्तार से चर्चा करेंगे |

इस से पहली पोस्ट में आप के ARTICLES बारे में विस्तार से पढ़ चुके हैं |

 ”One Word Substitution  means using a specific word replacing a wordy phrase or sentence and making it shorter’


No.- 1. Prologue-

Meaning in Hindi  :-  प्रस्त्तावना

Meaning in English  :-  Introductory part of a poem or play.


No.- 2. Pedantic –

Meaning in Hindi  :-  पांडित्य प्रदर्शक

Meaning in English  :-  A style in which a writer seeks to display his knowledge.


No. 3. Panacea-

Meaning in Hindi :- रामबाण

Meaning in English  :-  A cure to all


No. 4. Prodigy-

Meaning in Hindi  :-  प्रतिभा संपन्न बालक

Meaning in English  :-  A child with unusual or remarkable talent .


No. 5. Polyandry-

Meaning in Hindi  :-  बहुपतित्व

Meaning in English  :-  The practice of having more than one husband at the same time.


No. 6. Posthumous –

Meaning in Hindi  :-  पिता के मरने के बाद

Meaning in English  :-  A child born after the death of his father


No. 7. Plagiarism-

Meaning in Hindi  : –  साहित्य की चोरी

Meaning in English  :-  Stealing of the literary works of other writers .


No. 8. Plutocracy

Meaning in Hindi  :-  धनिक तन्त्र

Meaning in English  :- A government or rule of the rich people.


No. 9. Pedestrian-

Meaning in Hindi  :-  पदयात्री

Meaning in English  :-  One who walks on foot.


No. 10. Piscivorous-

Meaning in Hindi  :-  मत्स्य भक्षी

Meaning in English  :-  Animal which feeds on fish.



No. 11. Patricide

Meaning in Hindi :- पिता की हत्या

Meaning in English :-  Murder of one’s father.


No. 12. Pessimist

Meaning in Hindi  :-  निराशावादी

Meaning in English  :-  One who takes on a dark view of everything .


No. 13. Pseudonym

Meaning in Hindi  :-  उपनाम

Meaning in English :-  An imaginary name assumed by an author for disguise.


No. 14. Perjury

Meaning in Hindi  :-  झूठी गवाही

Meaning in English  :-  The act of making a false oath in a judicial proceeding.


No. 15. Illicit

Meaning in Hindi :-  अवैध

Meaning in English  :-  Prohibited by law.


No. 16. Infallible

Meaning in Hindi:  अचूक

Meaning in English :-  Who never makes a mistake


No. 17. Invincible

Meaning in Hindi :  अजेय

Meaning in English :-  Which cannot be defeated


No. 18. Impudent

Meaning in Hindi : गुस्ताख़, ढीठ

Meaning in English :-  One who does not show respect to other.


No. 19. Impeccable

Meaning in Hindi : त्रुटिहीन

Meaning in English :-  Not capable of doing wrong.


No. 20. Immortal

Meaning in Hindi : अमिट

Meaning in English :That which cannot be subjected to death.



No. 21. Innumerable

Meaning in Hindi :- असंख्य

Meaning in English : That which cannot be counted.


No. 22. Insatiable

Meaning in Hindi : लालची

Meaning in English : Impossible to satisfy.


No. 23. Inducement

Meaning in Hindi :- प्रलोभन

Meaning in English : A thing that persuades or leads someone to do something.


No.- 24. Imminent

Meaning in Hindi :- आसन्न

Meaning in English :- Which is going to happen.


No.- 25. Infantry

Meaning in Hindi :-  पैदल सेना

Meaning in English :-  Soldiers marching or fighting on foot.


No. 26.. Imposter

Meaning in Hindi :-  ढोंगी

Meaning in English : A person who pretends to be someone else in order to deceive others.



No.- 27. Idolator

Meaning in Hindi :-  मूर्तिपूजक

Meaning in English : One who worships idols.


No. 28. Refugee

Meaning in Hindi  :-  आश्रित

Meaning in English :-  A person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war.


No.- 29. Rioters

Meaning in Hindi  :-  उप्रदवी

Meaning in English  :-  One who is engaged in war.


No.- 30. Regicide

Meaning in Hindi  :-  राजा की हत्या

Meaning in English  :-  Murderer of the King.



No.- 31. Rapport

Meaning in Hindi  :-  घनिष्ठता

Meaning in English  :-  A close and harmonious relationship.


No.- 32. Rampant

Meaning in Hindi  :-  आक्रामक

Meaning in English :-  Getting worse quickly and in an uncontrolled way.


No. 33. Ransom

Meaning in Hindi  :- फिरौती

Meaning in English :-  A sum of money demanded or paid for the release of a captive.


No. 34. Recluse

Meaning in Hindi :-  वैरागी

Meaning in English :-  A person who lives alone and avoids social activities.


No. 35. Recapitulate

Meaning in Hindi  :-  पुनरावृति करना

Meaning in English :-  To say something again or to repeat words.


No.- 36. Referendum

Meaning in Hindi  :-  जनमत संग्रह

Meaning in English  :-  A general vote by the electorate on a single political question.


No.- 37. Rejuvenate

Meaning in Hindi  :-  जीर्णोद्धार करना

Meaning in English :-  Restore to the former state or make fresh again.


No.- 38. Repartee

Meaning in Hindi :- हाजिर जवाबी

Meaning in English  :-  A quick witty reply


No. 39. Retrospective

Meaning in Hindi  :-  पूर्वप्रभावी

Meaning in English  :-  Looking back on or dealing with past events or situations.


No.-40. Immigrant

Meaning in Hindi : अप्रवासी

Meaning in English :-  One who comes as a shelter into a foreign country.

No.41.-The study of stars.-                                            =Astronomy 

No42..-The study of  rocks and soil.-                         =Geology

No.43.-Psychology- The study of human mind.-  =Psychology

No44..-Botany- The study of plants.-                        =Botany

No.45.-The practice of writing ofdictionaries-       =Lexicography

No.46.-The study of ancient writing and scripture=Paleography

No.47.-The study of statistics                                       =Demography

No.48.-The study of evolution of mankind             =Anthropology

No.49.A group of cattle or sheep                                = Herd

No.50.-A number of fish swimming together        = Shoal

No.51.A temporary police force                                 = Posse

No.52.A group of worshipper                                      =Congrigation

Jagminder Singh

My name is Jagminder Singh and I like to share knowledge and help.

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